Compensation For Loss Of Limbs

Lost a Limb in a Construction Accident? Our Injury Lawyers Help You Fight for Compensation

The loss of a limb is a devastating experience, and no one can understand what that is like unless they have been affected by such a tragedy. Amputees must re-accustom themselves to everyday activities such as walking, eating, bathing and moving about their homes. An amputation as the result of a construction accident is emotionally draining and may require months or years to cope with such a loss. Often, these catastrophic injuries will prevent a person from maintaining a sufficient level of income and family support.

William McBride is on your side. He and the injury attorneys at William McBride Law Group are committed to fighting for justice and compensation on behalf of workers and families who suffered the loss of a limb. McBride watched his family suffer from injustice at a young age and decided to help others in similarly vulnerable situations. You have rights, and we will make sure that they are protected.

loss of limb

Construction Sites Require Strict Safety Standards and Thorough Training

Even if you make reasonable efforts to protect yourself, you can still suffer workplace injuries resulting in the loss of limbs if an employer or fellow worker acts in a negligent manner. Amputations can occur in the workplace during the operation of:

  • Power presses
  • Powered and non-powered conveyors
  • Roll-forming machines
  • Band saws
  • Drill presses
  • Milling machines

Injuries most commonly occur when an employer has failed to properly train workers, when employers force employees to work long hours under harsh conditions, or when machines are defective or lack adequate safety features. Routine operational activities such as set-up, threading, adjusting, cleaning and clearing jams often have the greatest potential to cause severe injuries that necessitate limb loss.

Who Caused My Construction Accident?

Multiple parties may be responsible for a victim’s injuries. Legal action may be possible against the equipment manufacturer, employer, safety inspector, shift supervisor and/or another employee who was operating the equipment that caused the accident.

Even if your amputation was not caused by a workplace accident, you still have the right to pursue justice under the law. Your injury attorney will fight for justice if you have been hurt due to:

Lawyers for Loss of Limb Claims Nationwide

We are prepared to fight on your behalf. Contact our office today to take the first steps towards putting your life back together. The initial consultation is confidential and free. We want to hear your story. Our attorneys offer services in both English and Spanish, and we are committed to providing compassionate and effective legal counsel to those in need.

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