Failure To Pay Overtime

Employer Refuses to Pay Overtime? Seek Justice with Our Employment Law Attorneys

Usually when employees go above and beyond the call of duty at work, they do so with the understanding that they will receive additional compensation. Unfortunately, some employers force their employees to work extra hours and refuse to pay them overtime. That extra time is more time the employees had to spend away from their loved ones, and that extra pay could really help the employee to improve their family’s quality of life. Thankfully, there are laws in place to protect workers from this kind of treatment. Attorney McBride and his team of employment lawyers have a lot of experience helping people just like you successfully pursue employment compensation claims.

Growing up, employment law attorney William McBride and his family faced significant financial hardships, so he knows how important extra money can be to a family struggling to make ends meet. He founded William McBride Law Group, so that struggling families could have somewhere to turn to when their rights were being trampled on. Attorney McBride fights tooth and nail for the rights of his clients, and he does not let up until justice is served.

When Can an Employer Avoid Paying Overtime?

Some independent contractors and salaried employees may not be eligible to receive overtime pay. However, your employer might be unlawfully mislabeling your status to avoid paying you overtime. Check with an attorney to find out how employers should classify their workers.

In general, most employees—especially hourly employees—are eligible for overtime pay. Still, despite their eligibility, many employees lose out on overtime pay because their employers manipulate the system and/or their employees to avoid the overtime rules. The medical and construction industries are notorious for employing such tactics, which can include:

  • Manipulating the schedule to make overtime hours appear as regular hours
  • Expecting a small workforce to complete a large workload in a limited time
  • Shifting employees between multiple companies that they own so that the employees’ hours never exceed eight hours a day or 40 hours a week for any of the companies, even though they are actually working overtime for a single employer
  • Threatening an employee with retaliation if they do not forgo overtime pay

Employment Law Attorneys Serving Workers Nationwide

Getting what you deserve under overtime law is not a bonus or privilege – it is your right. If your employer is forcing you to work extra hours but denying you overtime pay, or if you are being threatened with wrongful termination because you refuse to put in overtime hours for anything less than overtime pay, our employment lawyers may be able to help you. Our attorneys assist both English and Spanish-speaking clients, and we can help you regardless of your immigration status. For a confidential, no-cost evaluation, contact us today.

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