Failure To Pay Minimum Wage

Our Employment Law Attorneys Hold Employers Accountable

In today’s economy, many times making minimum wage is barely enough for folks to live. Minimum wage jobs are often backbreaking and unforgiving, but they provide a means for workers to support themselves and their families. However, if employers are not even providing this bare minimum, they must be held accountable. William McBride and his team of employment lawyers are ready to help employees receiving below minimum wage pursue an employment compensation claim and bring their employers to justice.

Employment law attorney William McBride founded William McBride Law Group to help people, especially the less fortunate. Having experienced hard times growing up, Attorney McBride can relate to his clients in a way that many others in his field cannot. It gives him an edge and determination, which when combined with his experience and expertise, make him hard to beat.

Does My Employer Have the Right to Pay Less Than Minimum Wage?

Minimum wage rates vary by state. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, four states have a minimum wage lower than the federal minimum wage, 19 states (plus DC) have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage, 22 states have a minimum wage that is the same as the federal minimum wage and five states do not have a minimum wage requirement.

Florida and New Mexico are among the 19 states with a minimum wage higher than the federal standard. Minimum wage in Florida as of January 1, 2013 is $7.79 per hour and the minimum wage is $7.50 per hour. Employers in Florida and New Mexico are required to pay the state minimum wage to any employee eligible to receive the federal minimum wage, even if part of that employee’s pay is based on tips.

In addition to paying their employees minimum wage, employers are also required to have both a state and federal minimum wage information poster displayed in the workplace in a location where employees can see and read it.

Attorneys That Handle Minimum Wage Disputes Nationwide

If you are being paid below minimum wage, our employment lawyers can help. Do not be afraid to fight for what is right. Regardless of your legal status, we want to help you. Bottom line is, you and your family should not have to suffer because of your employer’s unlawful activities. Contact us today for a confidential, no-cost evaluation for your case.

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