How Can I Prevent Accidental Drowning at My Pool or Spa?

Remember, if you own a pool or spa, and someone suffers injuries or dies in an accident, you could be held liable for the incident.

This is why all pool and spa owners should adhere to safety protocols before opening their properties up to friends and family members. This is especially true if children are around.

Sadly, drowning is the second leading cause of death for children 14 and under in the United States. Each year, hundreds of children die because of drowning, and in many cases, these deaths occur in pools and spas.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there are things you can do to help prevent submersion events. Among the safety tips the organization recommends:

  • Having a fence around the perimeter of your pool
  • Have self latching gates
  • Have pool alarms that can signal people to danger
  • Have anti-entrapment drain covers
  • Make sure all of your equipment is in working order
  • Have someone with CPR training around at all times

Research has shown that barriers and supervision play a key role in keeping people safe in pools and spas.

Can I File a Lawsuit If My Loved One Died in a Pool or Spa?

Because Florida has such warm weather and there are so many tourists visiting the state each year, pools and spas remain a popular way for people to relax and entertain themselves. This leads to more accidents.

If your child or your family member has drowned or suffered injuries because of a pool or spa accident, contact us today. Keep in mind, aside from death, water submersion events can lead to brain injuries, as oxygen flow is cut off to the organ.

Sadly, each day, 10 accidental drowning deaths occur in America, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). If your loved one has been killed or suffered injuries because of the negligence of a spa or pool owner, call us. We can help you seek compensation for your loss, or for the costly medical care needed to help support your family member.

Did You Know? According to the CPSC, 66 percent of the victims of a fatal pool drowning are children younger than five years old.


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