What Are the Most Dangerous Industries for Worker Fatalities?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recently released a preliminary report on worker fatalities in 2013. The report gives insight into the industries that resulted in the deaths of 4,405 workers in the United States last year.

How Many Worker Fatalities Occurred in the Private Sector?

Of the 4,405 worker fatalities in 2013, 3,929 deaths occurred in the private sector. This is down by 6 percent from the previous year.

Below are the numbers of workers killed in each industry:

  • Construction—796 deaths
  • Transportation and warehousing—687 deaths
  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting—479 deaths
  • Government—476 deaths
  • Professional and business services—408 deaths
  • Manufacturing—304 deaths
  • Retail trade—253 deaths
  • Leisure and hospitality—202 deaths
  • Wholesale trade—190 deaths
  • Other services—179 deaths
  • Mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction—154 deaths
  • Educational and health services—131 deaths
  • Financial activities—84 deaths
  • Information—39 deaths
  • Utilities—23 deaths

It is not surprising that construction recorded the most deaths. This industry has many hazards, which is why it is important for employers to make the jobsite as safe as possible for these workers.

Unfortunately, the number of construction fatalities remained about the same between 2012 and 2013; since 2006, these deaths are down by 36 percent.

Workers who sustain injuries while working deserve compensation. However, workers’ compensation sometimes fails to provide as much as an injured worker needs to recover. Contact an experienced attorney to fight for what you are owed.

Source: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cfoi.pdf

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