Construction Accident Leads to $64.5 Million Lawsuit

A man that was critically injured at a construction site secured $64.5 million in a lawsuit for his injuries. Robert Matthews was working at a construction site for the Mosaic Co. in 2009 when a prefab building collapsed on top of him. He received major injuries to his legs, pelvis and internal organs.

He had been working underneath the building when a nearby train traveled close to the construction site, which caused the ground to shake enough that the prefab building collapsed.

The court found a total of three companies at fault for his injuries. Mosaic, a fertilizer maker, was deemed most at fault. Semco Construction, which prepared the construction site, and Marc Rice Inc., which installed the prefab building, shared some of the blame. Matthews was working for Marc Rice Inc. at the time of the injury.

We are happy to report that, despite major injuries, Mr. Matthews has defied the odds and is able to walk again. Additionally, he is getting a master’s degree in business administration.

Are Multiple Parties at Fault for Your Injuries?

This lawsuit is a good example of why it is important to have an experienced attorney that knows how to handle cases that may include more than one company at fault. A seasoned lawyer will know how to investigate the cause of your injuries, as well as be able to provide strong evidence in court as to why more than one party may be at fault for your injuries.

Check out our legal blog each week to see how we keep the people of Florida informed about news and information regarding personal injuries across our state.



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