Birth Injuries: Should I Contact an Attorney?

Recently, a Florida couple filed a birth injury lawsuit claiming that their child suffered catastrophic injuries including hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy during its delivery.

According to reports, the family resides in Brevard County, at the Patrick Air Force Base. The couple claims that on October 1, 2012, the mother was admitted to a base hospital and prepared for delivery. She reportedly underwent a cervix check that morning and received one regularly until she later received an epidural.

Doctors continued to monitor the mother’s progress, but about two hours after she received the epidural, another physician who was not attending to the mother originally noticed that the baby’s fetal heart tracing was in decline. Even though this development was documented, the lawsuit claims that the doctor failed to order a cesarean section.

Later, the child was delivered vaginally and it was noted to have no respiratory effort, according to the lawsuit. The parents claim that the child suffered from depleted oxygen during the delivery process. It is unclear based on reports if the child survived. The couple filed the lawsuit against the United States of America, since the event occurred on an Air Force base.

Working With an Attorney Following a Birth Injury Incident

Birth injuries are a form of medical malpractice. Aside from death, errors during the delivery process can result in long-term, heartbreaking conditions like cerebral palsy.

It is tragic whenever a family loses a newborn to medical mistakes. Immediately following a death or botched delivery, while it may be incredibly difficult, it may be important for a parent to contact an attorney about your options for recovering. As a parent, your child should not have to suffer due to errors made during his or her birth. This is unacceptable.

You can hold doctor or healthcare provider liable for mistakes made during a child’s birth. Aside from obtaining damages for your loss, through a lawsuit, you can ensure that other parents will not have to suffer losses like your own.

Continue to follow our blog for more news. If you have questions, you can reach our Orlando injury attorney by filling out the case evaluation on the side of this page or by connecting with us on Facebook or Twitter.


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