16 Things You Should Have in a Car Emergency Kit

Hopefully, you never need a car emergency kit, but if you are in a car accident or find yourself stranded, here’s what you should have with you.

  1. Cell Phone – This isn’t really in the kit, but may be the most important. Keep your phone charged and with you.
  2. First-Aid Kit – Include a few of the essentials such as Band-Aids, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes and ointment, gauze pads, and anything specific to you or your regular passengers.
  3. Jumper Cables – They should be at least 10 feet long and rubber coated.
  4. Flashlight and Batteries – A waterproof flashlight is even better.
  5. Tire Pressure Gauge – Periodically check the air pressure in your tires to help prevent blowouts.
  6. Duct Tape – Duct tape is great for temporary fixes, something to hold you over until you can get to a repair shop.
  7. Water – Keep some water in the trunk for either drinking or refilling the radiator, whichever becomes a necessity first.
  8. Snacks – Keep a few non-perishable snacks in your emergency kit. Protein bars are a great choice.
  9. Gloves – A good pair of gloves can keep your hands warm in the cold and safe from harm if you have to do some engine work.
  10. Foam Sealant – Tire sealant is a quick and easy fix for flat tires, but not permanent.
  11. Fire Extinguisher – In case of fires.
  12. Multipurpose Tool – A Leatherman Tool or a Swiss Army Knife are perfect for survival kits.
  13. Tow Strap – You’ll want this if your car gets stuck somewhere needs to be pulled out.
  14. Reflective Triangles – Set these around a parked car or the scene of an accident.
  15. Warm Coat – In case of cold.
  16. Ice Scraper – Especially in the winter months, this tool can save you ages of waiting for windshield ice to melt.

Scar may have been a malicious Disney villain, but he did have a pretty good game plan. Be Prepared!

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