Compensation For Auto Roof Crush

Hurt in a Roof Crush Accident?

If you have suffered a serious personal injury due to a roof crush car accident, car accident lawyer William McBride and the personal injury lawyers of William McBride Law Group, will aggressively fight to gain you the accident compensation you deserve. Negligent car manufacturers in the auto industry may cause some of these car accidents to occur. Auto corporations are extremely powerful and will have teams of attorneys fighting against you. You need an experienced team of roof crash accident attorneys on your side, which you will find them at our personal injury law firm.

Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) have seen a very rapid rise in popularity over the past decade. SUVs sit high over the ground, making them much easier to roll over in the event of a collision. However, new SUV stabilizing technology and design should prevent rollover accidents where the vehicle’s roof collapses on people inside the vehicle if overturned. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration stated that over 10,000 wrongful deaths occur each year in auto accidents where the roof of a vehicle fails.

What Causes Roof Crush Accidents? SUV Manufacturer Liability for Personal Injury

Automobile manufacturers have legal obligations to ensure that their vehicles can keep drivers and passengers reasonably safe in the event of a collision. When they fail to uphold this duty, they can be held responsible if a car accident injury or fatality occurs.

During a rollover or roof crush accident, the strength of the vehicle’s roof is imperative to the survival of the driver and passenger. A strong roof mitigates the harm of a rollover, and can result in the passengers receiving only minor injuries. However, if a roof fails, then the occupants of a vehicle can be exposed to the hazards of an out-of-control vehicle and have no protection against further collisions or bodily harm.

Some roof crushes are caused by design defects, while others happen due to shoddy or cheap manufacturing. Poorly done repairs, replacements or upgrades may cause other roof failures. Depending on the circumstances of the car accident injury, you may be able to pursue accident compensation from the vehicle company, roof manufacturer and/or the driver that caused the car collision by filing a product liability claim or personal injury lawsuit.

Contact our personal injury law firm to speak with our car accident lawyers if you have any questions regarding how to file a claim or if you would like to explore your legal options after a roof crush accident. Our accident attorneys serve nationwide and are based out of Orlando, Kissimmee and Tampa FL in addition to an office in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

What Car Accident Injuries Happen in a Roof Crush Crash?

A car accident injury sustained from a roof crush accident is most likely to be severe. If a roof collapses during a car crash, the occupants could be susceptible to fatal injuries. The most common forms of car accident injury associated with roof crush are:

  • Broken bones.
  • Bruised organs.
  • Deep lacerations.
  • Loss of limbs.
  • Loss of vision.
  • Blood loss.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Brain damage.
  • Paralysis.
  • Wrongful death

Serious injuries cause harm to entire families. An injured person may not be able to work, bring in an income, or care for children as before. You do not have to face such hardship alone. The nationwide car accident lawyer of William McBride Law Group, can help you stand up to the auto injury and file a personal injury claim which may allow you to gain accident compensation for your damages, medical expenses, emotional trauma and lost wages.

Personal Injury Law Firm with Product Liability and Accident Law Experience

The Orlando car accident lawyers of William McBride Law Group are committed to making the legal process as easy as possible for you and your family during this difficult time. We practice nationally with offices in Florida, New Mexico, Washington, Massachusetts, California and Colorado, so you do not have to worry about locating an accident attorney nearby. Contact our personal injury law firm to explore your best options for legal action.

Our personal injury law firm offers free consultations and is prepared to help you take up the fight against the vehicle or part manufacturer that caused or contributed to your roof crush injuries. Many of our accident attorneys are fluent in both English and Spanish. All consultations are free and 100 percent confidential.

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