Are My Dietary Supplements Safe

As we reported in our blog last year, there are plenty of dangerous dietary supplements available for purchase in America.

Unfortunately, CBS News reported at the time that researchers with a health institute discovered that in a study of 27 previously recalled supplements, 18 still sold online and in stores contained ingredients not approved for over-the-counter use, while 17 still had the same drug that prompted the recalls.

Keep in mind, dietary supplements do not go through the same clinical trials that prescription drugs go through, so it may be in your best interest to speak to a doctor before taking a product.

We bring this up because recently the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced in a warning that the supplement OxyElite Pro Super Thermogenic might contain the prescription drug Prozac.

According to BuzzFeed, the FDA announced in late February that it had found fluoxetine (Prozac) in bottles labeled OxyElite Pro Super Thermogenic during an “examination of international mail shipments.”

OxyElite Pro Super Thermogenic’s manufacturer USPlabs denied the FDA’s allegations that the product is unsafe, saying that the product that the agency tested is a counterfeit, possibly from a Brazilian website.

“Neither USPlabs nor its contract manufacturers has ever ordered or in any way handled fluoxetine for any purpose of any kind,” the company said in a statement.

Keep in mind, USPlabs has been accused of selling dangerous supplements in the past. According to BuzzFeed, in 2011, an early version of OxyElite was found to contain DMAA, a stimulant linked to bleeding strokes and sudden deaths. Additionally, the news site said that in 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked OxyElite products to an outbreak of liver disease that caused hepatitis and death in victims.

Having an Attorney Investigate a Defective Dietary Supplement

Keep in mind, our injury attorneys offer assistance to victims and family members who have been harmed because of defective products, including dietary supplements. In the past, manufacturers of dangerous products like supplements have faced significant lawsuits resulting in large settlements and verdicts.

Again, speaking to an attorney may be wise if a defective product has injured you. To see how we have been successful in defective product and injury litigation, review our verdicts and settlements page.



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