Celebrate the Fourth of July Safely

Fourth of July weekend is almost here and many people will be spending their weekend celebrating the occasion with family and friends.

The American Red Cross has included some safety tips that we can all use this holiday:

  • The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public show put on by professionals. The Red Cross recommends staying at least 500 feet away from the show. If you are planning to set off your own fireworks, keep these tips in mind:
    • Do not allow children to use fireworks
    • Follow the instructions on the package
    • Keep a supply of water nearby
    • Always wear eye protection when lighting fireworks
    • If people are using fireworks recklessly, leave the area immediately
    • Never try to relight a firework that is “a dud”
  • Here are some Backyard grilling safety tips:
    • Never leave a grill unattended
    • Keep people and animals away from the grill
    • When coals have already been ignited, do not add lighter fluid

How Do You Escape a Rip Current?

  • Anyone who will be hanging around the pool or the beach should learn how to swim. Additional safety tips when at the beach or pool:
    • Only swim in areas that are lifeguarded
    • Keep tabs on the weather
    • Always swim with a buddy
    • Never consume alcohol while swimming
    • Keep a close eye on kids and adults swimming
    • Be mindful of all aquatic life (plants and animals), because they might be dangerous
    • Any beach that has breaking waves may have rip currents
    • If you are caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the beach until you are out of the current. Once you are out of the current swim towards shore
    • Permanent rip currents exist near jetties and piers, so stay at least 100 feet away from those structures

Taking certain safety precautions this weekend will go a long way in making this a fun and relaxing time.

Have a safe and wonderful July 4!

Did You Know? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is the second leading cause of death in children aged 1 to 14 years of age in the United States.

Source: http://www.redcross.org/news/article/Red-Cross-Issues-Safety-Tips-For-4th-of-July-Holiday

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